
Thursday, April 22, 2021

Importance of Yoga in life

 In a modern, fast-paced world, yoga applies old mysteries to everyday life.  Its practical application can restore your lost youth, infuse new enthusiasm into your every move, and empower you to fully enjoy health, energy and the spirit of a creative life.  All of this will do wonders for your future happiness… sounds good, right?  Well let me tell you a little bit about Yoga… Yoga is an ancient health-art developed and perfected by the wise men in ancient India for centuries.  Yoga is not a religion, a spiritual principle or a philosophy.  It is not magic, although it can often seem magical to the amazing improvements that occur in your health, your appearance, and your puberty, even the miraculous ones… there are many different types of yoga.  Contrary to popular belief, all types of yoga do not include difficult positions and asanas, uncomfortable exercise or strenuous diet… Yoga can remove years from your face and years from your body, and add years to your life.  There are some secret ways by which yogis keep flexibility and "spring" well in their joints and muscles and limbs in the early years ... This is a common sight to see on the crowded, colorful streets of Bombay or New Delhi,  Yogis in their seventies and even in their eighties, with the straight, graceful posture of a boy, the elastic, springy step of youth… firm, healthy body, his hair black and shiny and  Walking streak with no gray.  Firm, uncomplicated face… clear, un-blurred eyes… Not only does yoga make you look and feel younger year by year, and healthier for years, but it gives your body great health.  It works like magic because it enables the body to realize its full potential of great health ... You know that nature has given certain "defense mechanisms" in your body to self-repair, against disease.  Designed for natural protection measures.  Well, modern yoga helps the body's machinery work smoothly, efficiently and in peak performance… Yoga gives your body all the possible nutritional value from the food you eat now (which is different from the natural diet of your ancestors).  Encourages Atomic To Receive… Receive every moment of refreshment and rest from your sleep… To achieve regularity, to get relief from a little aches and pains, deep sleep and the ability to wake up refreshed  Feeling "great" can make the difference "awful"!  Yoga helps all your muscles and bones and organs to operate at their maximum potential.  Yoga stimulates the hidden abilities of your body to ward off disease attacks that affect so many people we know and love… Do you suffer from insomnia and stress?  Have you lost your appetite?  Do you find it difficult to relax?  Do you smoke too much, feel "clothed" by noon, as you grow older that you cannot enjoy life and vitality all day?  Yoga has the amazing power to relax and refresh you, calm your nerves, calm your mind, give you peace and strength and inner stamina which is part of the "magic of the East".  Yoga prevents premature spots in your hair, ugly wrinkles on your face….  Yoga tightens those tight muscles that give you a "tired look".  It adds new excitement to your appetite, brings a sparkle back to your eyes, and a wonderful feeling of feeling "fit as a fiddle" ... if these benefits are important to you (and you're crazy  If they were not), then its time you learned about yoga!

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