
Tuesday, April 20, 2021



  Pollution is one of the serious cases and one of the enemies of nature and humans.  Although this is a really serious matter that is still unresolved.  Mixing of pollutants in pure things, which makes pollution harmful or useless.  Pollution is like a curse for humanity, nature and other living beings on earth.  It has also affected the space.

  Pollution type

  There are so many types of pollution.  Some of the following are:

  Water Pollution

  air pollution

  soil pollution

  Noise pollution

  Impact on Living Being

  Pollution has a bad effect on human health.  Drinking polluted water leads to fatal diseases like cholera and diarrhea.  Air pollution can cause diseases like asthma, respiratory problems, cancer.  Due to soil pollution affecting the yield of crops, fruits and vegetables can be toxic, which is fatal to humans and cattle.  Noise pollution can cause irritability, nervousness, and deafness in humans.  In fact, every type of pollution affects us in one way or the other.

  Lifeless effect

  Pollution also affects the survivors.  For example, air pollution increases the temperature of the atmosphere, it increases heat, causes heat, affects the draft crop, it affects the normal life of people.  Not only this, as the heat rises, the ice is melting at the poles of the earth, the sea water level is rising due to melting ice, there is a danger of submergence of coastal areas due to rising water level.  Scientists believe that coastal cities will be submerged in the coming years.  As a result, migration, unemployment, arson and violence will increase.  It sounds a bit minor but just think.
  Water Pollution :

  (1) Factories should prepare a complete drainage plan for dirty water or install a water filter plant in factories to reuse the water.

  (2) The use of soap and detergent should be prohibited and the sewerage should be filtered and used for other purposes instead of pouring it into the water.

  (3) Polythene, pesticide, solid waste should not be put in water.

  air pollution:

  (1) Factories should be away from residential areas.  Their chimney should have a gas absorption system for harmful gases.

  (2) Pollution level should be checked from each vehicle.  In addition, we can follow the vehicle pooling system.

  (3) Garbage, polythene, rubber tubes, plastics, cow dung, wood burning, release of CFC gases should be controlled.

  soil pollution:

  (1) Farmers should use organic pesticides and fertilizers in place of chemical pesticides for farming.

  (2) We should not leave garbage, polythene, plastic, rubber etc. in the open nor should we bury them in the ground.

  (3) Contaminated water also contaminates the soil, so we also need to repair it.

  (4) We should not mix wet and dry waste, we can use two different dustbin.

  Noise pollution:

  (1) Factories should be away from residential areas.  Workers may be recommended to use earplugs.

  (2) Vehicle fitness checkup should be mandatory.

  (3) Loud horns of vehicles should be banned.

  Pollution essay conclusion

  Pollution affects us in many ways, so the government's public participation is highly needed to tackle the problem of pollution.

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