
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

PM’s Advice for Corona Vires


PM’s Advice for Corona Vires 

PM Narendra Modi aforesaid that amid the coronavirus crisis, it's vital for each Indian to stay aware and alert.


Stating that the govt was keeping a detailed track on the happening, PM Modi aforesaid that for a developing country like Asian nation with an outsized population, the growing challenge of coronavirus isn't a traditional scenario.


PM Advises Practising Social Distancing

PM Modi conjointly found out that since no cure or immunogen had nevertheless been discovered to battle the virus, social distancing was very necessary and effective in reducing its impact.

Keeping this in mind, PM Modi urged the folks of the country to undertake and occupy the home for successive few weeks the maximum amount as potential and not got outside unless fully necessary. He conjointly specially requested folks on top of the age of sixty years to not leave their homes.


“Restrain his obligatory to guard ourselves and stay healthy. I request that for the approaching weeks' folks ought to quit of their homes provided that essential,” PM Modi aforesaid.



The Prime Minister conjointly another that folks got to resolve that they're going to follow the recommendation of central and state governments during this amount of crisis.
PM Modi conjointly wise to the country that on twenty-two March, from seven, am to nine pm, all voters, ejection those in essential services, ought to follow a ‘Janata Curfew’ and not leave their homes.

The PM conjointly urged folks to tell as many of us regarding the future curfew and alternative measures to forestall coronavirus.



Additionally, PM Modi requested folks of the state to defer elective surgeries by a month and avoid routine check-ups to ease pressure on health services the maximum amount as potential.


He conjointly warned against signboard of food and alternative essential things, reassuring Indians that steps were being taken to make sure that there's no scarceness of essential commodities within the country.


Speaking regarding people who had been concerned infighting the coronavirus happening in the Asian nation for the last 2 months, by operating day and night in hospitals, airports, etc

Additionally, PM Modi conjointly declared the creation of a COVID-19 Economic Response Task Force beneath the minister of finance, that he aforesaid would stay in regular a bit with all stakeholders, take their feedback and create selections consequently amid the coronavirus happening

Current Status about Business and Jobs

Business and Jobs

If a disaster event does occur, a business’s operations will likely be interrupted. During the time, your business will suffer from lost income due to your staff’s inability to work in the office, manufacture products or make sales.  especially applicable to companies that require a physical location to do business.

When consumers have less money to spend, businesses suffer. This creates a domino effect that touches almost every business. Recessions come and go, but particularly bad ones will be devastating and collapse many businesses in their wake. Those that survive generally find ways to operate on a leaner budget and offer value to their clients in spite of a rough economy.

It impacts our local economy. The community as a whole becomes undesirable to prospective commercial residential developers that build supermarkets, retail stores. This also reduces the opportunity for local jobs and economic progress for residents.
businesses suffer serious setbacks from tightened credit markets and a prolonged struggle to access working capital. That mean reduced staff, smaller inventories, and sales for years. These things have serious ripple effects when your business revenue and personal incomes are one and the same.


Companies Go for Layoffs- Unemployment Rate Will Rise

Throughout the country we hear of factories closing, massive layoffs as companies retrench, stores going out of business and people everywhere facing unemployment. 
In January, 598,000 new people were added to the ranks of the unemployed for a total unemployment rate of 7.6 per cent. The total number of unemployed people reached 11.6 million in January approx. 
Since March, the unemployment rate has climbed by one full percentage point, a pace of layoffs not seen since at least the 1980s. Given the number of recently announced layoffs and the rising number of new claims for unemployment, the June job losses  even worse, 

The unemployment rate has nearly doubled since the recession began. The main factor increasing unemployment has been businesses cutting back on investment and entrepreneurs starting fewer companies. Consequently, they have created fewer jobs.

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Saturday, June 6, 2020

Jobs At Risk Due To Covid 19| Is it or Not ?

We are all aware of the current problem of employment/jobs at risk. That is caused by COVID 19

There’s a lot to be stressed about lately due to the coronavirus pandemic: Confirmed cases of COVID-19 keep rising, stock market volatility is causing panic, jobs are at risk and store shelves are emptying. But there’s a lot more at stake here than toilet paper. I’m talking about mental health, particularly for near me

As India responds to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen quick and dramatic changes to how people work ( work from home or Sarkari Naukri are in function ) and how our economy functions. I wrote a few days ago about the worker, a migrant labourer, was made to dress as a hand sanitizer dispenser. Since then I have seen stories that highlight the risks and challenges of working in the COVID-19 economy, especially for the working class and service industry workers ( Those who leave their place nowadays are moving to another place. ) As Todd Schoepflin wrote here last week, these are the people “who are working to hold the fabric of society together.”
free job alert KEXONERATE


Worldwide, thousands of people working in this industry are projected to lose their jobs because of a lack of restaurant, accommodation and flight reservations due to the COVID-19 crisis. According to the Economic Policy Institute, about 3 million jobs/jobs vacancy will be lost by summertime because of the coronavirus pandemic. The work the atmosphere becomes negative and employee productivity starts slowing down because everybody is trying to find information related to the crisis — either to know more about the origins of the crisis or to anticipate the effects the crisis may have on their jobs — instead of actually doing their jobs.🔘

ALSO READ: Job Crisis Begins in India as Unemployment Rate Increases by 23% Amid Lockdown 

job vacancy  According to the survey, COVID-19 is having a 'deep impact' on Indian businesses, over the coming month's jobs are at high risk because firms are looking for some reduction in manpower. Further, it is added that already COVID-19 crisis has caused an unprecedented collapse in economic activities over the last few weeks. According to Du & Bradstreet, COVID-19 no doubt disrupted human lives and global supply chain but the pandemic is a severe demand shock which has offset the green shoots of recovery of the Indian economy that was visible towards the end of 2019 and early 2020.  

Sarkari Naukri work from home  V     freejobalert   . free job alert  employment

Communities of colour face increased financial and health risks associated with COVID-19 due to economic and social circumstances. Social distancing policies required to address COVID-19 have led many businesses to cut hours, cease operations, or close altogether. People who work in certain industries, such as restaurant, hospitality, retail, and other service industries, are particularly at risk for loss of income. Those who maintain jobs amid the COVID-19 the outbreak, such as grocery store workers and delivery drivers, are at increased risk of contracting coronavirus since they remain exposed to other individuals.Sarkari Naukri work from home  V     freejobalert   . free job alert  employment

KEXONERATE.BLOGPOST.COMThe CDC has identified groups of people who are high risk for serious illness from COVID-19. Employees who are at increased risk for complications from COVID-19 due to underlying health conditions are urged to consult their physician about steps they can take to protect their health. These may include requesting a temporary change in job location, hours, assignment or duties, or implementation of additional protective measures to reduce their exposure to others or chances of being infected. Please contact Human Resources if you have specific questions or need guidance in this area.Sarkari Naukri work from home  V     freejobalert   . free job alert  employment Sarkari Naukri work from home  V     freejobalert   . free job alert  employment

Sharing the facts about COVID-19 and ensuring that residents, workers, volunteers and visitors are aware of the symptoms of COVID-19, health conditions that may put them at higher risk of becoming very sick with COVID-19, its health risks, and what to do if they become ill can make an outbreak less stressful and help prevent or slow the spread of disease.


To answer questions about possible exposure to COVID-19, the CDC has updated its guidance for risk assessment. This guidance is available for health personnel with potential exposure in a health care setting to patients with COVID-19. It details risk levels and what to do if exposure occurs. However, the risk of transmission of SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, is currently incomplete and the precision of current risk assignment is limited.

Screening for COVID-19 is a series of questions asked to determine a person's risk for COVID-19. They include questions about symptoms being experience, travel history in recent weeks, and exposure to someone who has been confirmed to have COVID-19. Right now, all entrants to Augusta Health (patients and support persons) are screened.

CONCLUSION:- work from home  V     freejobalert   . free job alert  employment

The coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic is the worst pandemic of this century and probably the deadliest among mankind known so far as the unimaginable health. we are exposed to because the pandemic in addition to the mouth poses a major threat to the Indian economy. 
In his latest address to the nation, P. Minister Narendra Modi has announced an economic package of rupees for the nation to fight the situation, because of the lockout of 20 lakh crores rupees.
India had never seen such an economic threat before. We do not go to work, every penny is not suitable to do from home, so how will we get money to survive and trust us it is not going to end soon.   Sarkari Naukri work from home  V     freejobalert   . free job alert  employment

So stay at home, work from home, keep social distancing maintenance, social distrust, trust each other, cooperate each other, avoid any rumours and differences in society and spend your business and life in collaboration. By God Grace, we will soon Kind list will come out of the mission , Man will return to his new lifestyle again.

Monday, June 1, 2020



Go corona Go

                                                  Go corona Go



I `LL  SHARE SOME GOOD THOUGHT AND IDEAS, ACCORDING TO MY KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE                                                                              

I know that my ability to write and express my thoughts, opinions and knowledge is strengthened each semester. I have always struggled to land my ideas on paper in a way that is consistent and correct according to the assignment. I remember that many times in community college it can be said to "organize your thoughts" or "provide more support and examples".