
Saturday, April 24, 2021

Yoga for Weight Loss: What You Need to Succeed (Part 2) Tagged with: yoga for weight loss

Welcome to your people.  Okay, leave the right to pursue how yoga works for weight loss.  We have gone on Surya Namaskar and if you are anything like me, you have probably tried them and are being sold on yoga, which is actually burning calories.  Now target the target spots.  Dose for troublesome places when using yoga for weight loss: 1. Abdominal area: forward bending posture, bow posture, peacock posture, spinal twist and triangle posture.  2. Weapon: Definitely peacock pose!  Wheel Pose, Crow Pose, Side Planck Pose and 4-Limb Staff Pose.  3. Thighs: The Bow Pose, The Shoulder-Stand, Hero Pose, Triangle and Wheel Pose.  4. Love Handle: Spinal Twist, Tide Pose, (With Practice) Side Crow Pose, (For Easy) Side Plank Pose. 

 I think the above spots target most of us when trying to lose weight, so I made sure to visit them first.  I am under the impression that if you searched in yoga to lose weight or did some research on yoga, you would get a little information on the poses above, or sign up for a class,  Bought a yoga DVD.  Some learn a little more about it, which is why I did not go into every posture in detail.  But trust me, they are really very easy.  I would however stress that the performance of Surya Namaskar (above 24 rounds) should be your main focus in using yoga for weight loss even before other weights. 
 It will also help: One asana is that some yogis and yoginis make a versatile enough posture for the entire body, which will be shoulder-stand.  This counter pose is best treated, in fact, since these poses have an impact on the meta-physical and spiritual aspects of our lives, it would be safe to say that no one does a yoga pose without doing a counter pose.  is.  Do not do this.  You can throw some things out of normalcy.  Here's a brief overview on the shoulder-stand as a yoga pose for weight loss: Lay a thick blanket on the floor and place your yoga mat over it.  Lay on your back.  Slowly raise the leg.  Raise the trunk, hips and legs in a vertical position.  Place the elbows firmly on the floor and support the back with both hands.  (See illustration for proper execution).  Raise the legs until they become vertical.  Press the chin from the chest.  This is the chin lock.  
While doing this mudra, one should touch the back of the neck, the back of the head and the shoulders from the floor.  Breathe in a count of 5-5-5 (inhalation, retention and exhalation).  Do not let the body move.  Its counter poses are bridge and fish pose which will target your front / thighs and chest / neck respectively.  as I promised;  Here is the Breath of Fire breathing exercise that you can incorporate into your yoga practice to burn calories.  (The name alone doesn't tell you anything ...?) Breath of Fire Exercise (aka Kapalbhati or Bellows Breath) - Take a few breaths and see that the diaphragm is rotating properly.  Now close the eyes (as they should during breathing exercises) sudden abdominal contraction with a backward push. 
This causes sudden expulsion of stagnant air from the lungs.  -Now follow it with a sudden relaxation (which naturally creates new air congestion).  Now do exercises like this: passive breathing and active exhalation at a sudden push rate in the stomach.  There should be 15-20 withdrawals in one round.  Do not exceed 3 rounds - you can gradually increase to 120 expals per round and then perform only 2 rounds.  (As you are doing 50 expulsions per round, do not exceed 2 rounds!) Breathe normally for 30 seconds between each round.  
Now, you have it, the information you need to get started on the use of yoga to lose weight: trouble spots, bellows breath, shoulder-stand and posture for the almighty sun salutations.  Remember, for the same reasons that Hippocrates-of-medicine's father said: "Give your diet your medicine and your food as your diet, including the proper diet to lose weight with yoga".  should do.  Keep in mind that this is a very important part of this practice, so there is no way around friends.  (But I'm sure you already know) So make a pose, and see for yourself how yoga can be an effective and safe option for weight loss.

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