
Sunday, May 16, 2021

How To Write Better Advertising Copy

A successful marketing plan depends very much on the pulling power of the ad copy.  Writing a results-oriented advertising copy is difficult, as it must appeal, entice and persuade consumers to take action.  There is no magic formula to writing an entire ad copy;  This is based on several factors, including ad placement, demographic, even the mood of the consumer when they see your ad.  So how should any writer pen a stunning piece of advertising copy - a copy that scorches and sells?  The following tips will trigger your creative thinking and help you write a better advertisement.

  Learn the basics

  All good ad copy have the same basic elements.  Always good ad copy:

  Attracts attention: Consumers are flooded with advertisements, so it is important that your ad attracts attention and catches interest immediately.  You can do this with a title or slogan (such as VW's "Drivers Wanted" campaign), color or layout (the target's new colorful, simple ads testify to it) or illustration (such as the Red Bull character or Zoloft's gloomy ball and so on)  Huh.  His ladybug friend).

  The promise of credible profit: To feel compelled by an advertisement, the consumer must stand to gain something;  The product is often not enough.  How will a consumer benefit from using your product or service?  It can be tangible, like a free gift;  Reputation, power or fame.  But remember: You have to be able to fulfill that promise, so don't give anything inappropriate.

  Interested: It is not enough to attract consumer attention;  You have to keep that attention for at least a few seconds.  This is where your benefits come into play or a product description that sets your offer apart from others.

  Generates verb: This is the end point of the ad copy - it must react to the reader in some way.  It does not necessarily translate to immediately buying the product or using the service.  Your advertisement can be a positioning tool that enables the reader to think about you in a certain light.  Talk to your audience or the audience you want to reach, and you will be surprised how often they come to you in the future.

  Know the medium

  How you write your ad copy will be based on where you place your ad.  If it is a billboard advertisement, you will need a super catchy title and simple design due to the speed people have.  Online advertisements are similar;  Consumers are so full of internet advertisements that your ad should be quick and engaging.  Magazine advertising is the most versatile, but it depends entirely on the size of your ad and how many other advertisements compete with you.  If you have a full page ad, feel free to experiment;  More page space gives you more creative space.  If the advertisement is short, then you need to keep things as simple as possible.

  Know the style

  Advertising copy is a unique type of writing.  It aims to balance creativity and readability into something inspiring and entertaining.  Keep the following in mind while writing your copy:

  Be brief: There are few things more harmful to an advertising campaign than dirty words.  Use shorter sentences with more and more familiar words;  Save the thesaurus for a thesis or dissertation.  Always be sure to use exact phrases (why use five adjectives when a good verb will perform a verb?);  And eliminate any redundancy such as "small short" or "annual payment of $ XXX per year".

  Talk to your audience, not to them: Although you are announcing the availability of a product or service, avoid being diagnostic or overly formal.  Write as if you are talking to your ideal customer;  Use a style they will use, words they will be familiar with, slang they will probably know.  But make sure that you are using these words and phrases correctly.  A recent McDonald's campaign attempted to reach a certain audience by using the phrase "I will hit it" in reference to the cheeseburger, unaware that the phrase is almost always used as a sexual reference.

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