
Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Use thought power to defeat this pandemic disease

People have become very weak financially and physically during this Pandemic.  In illness, the world needs moral, mental and emotional support for each other, which is very important for getting people to cooperate with drugs.  But Corona is a disease in which people are getting away among themselves.  We have to remain isolated.  We have to stick.  Participation is ending.  It is becoming risky to meet people today.  People are forgetting social work.  The spirit of cooperation among the people is fading.  This disease is telling us to think only about ourselves.  Well, the corona pandemic has been under one and a half years old.  Some people are becoming mentally weak, while our thoughts are our power 

 The greatest power we have got so far is the power of our thoughts.  There is an intelligence inside us that can elevate our lives to the highest level.  Everyone should learn to cooperate with this intelligence which is organized to react to our intentions and create a life of abundance and happiness with us.  Freedom, happiness, prosperity, love, friendship, health and wealth are our birth right.  We are created to live our lives in freedom, health and wealth.  If our life is not like that, it means that we restrain ourselves from our thoughts.  Our thoughts are very powerful tools that we use to either create happiness and wealth, or disease and poverty. 

 If your life is not what you dream, it means that you have thoughts that are against you.  Your thoughts form your life.  If you want to change your life, change your thoughts first.  You can choose your thoughts.  No one in the world can keep an idea in your mind without your permission.  Your mind is yours  It is your job to control your thoughts!  You are the master of your head, you are the guard of your thoughts.  You can change them.  Choose ideas that will bring you the results you want.  Never think about what you want to do.  Read it again: Never think that you don't want to be true.  This means: If you do not want it to be real, you should think of yourself as negative.  If you do not want to be fooled, think that you are.  If you don't want to be obese, stop rehearsing in your head how fat you are right now.  If you don't want to loose your boyfriend or girlfriend, stop thinking about this possibility.  Instead of these destructive thoughts, choose ideas that make you stronger.  Choose to think how intelligent you are, and you will be!  Choose to think how beautiful you are, and you will shine like a star!  Choose that you are loving, and you will!  Thoughts are energy.  Each idea carries the energy level.  Your choice: Or you choose ideas that lower your energy level, or you choose ideas that increase your energy level.  

It is in your hands!  Or better: it's in your head!  Depends on how you will feel and what you think.  Each action and emotion precedes an idea.  You can choose ideas that block you, or even paralyze you.  To be able to choose your thoughts consciously is not more difficult to see.  It is only a matter of exercise and consciousness.  Once you have learned how you can become the master of your thoughts, you become the master of your life!  If it is too hard to check your thoughts for now, you can start looking at your mouth.  Never let something go out of your mouth that you don't want to do anything!  If you don't want to feel it, never give bad luck to anyone.  Look at your mouth, look at your words, look at your sufferings, and be the creator of your own life!  Your life does not depend on others.  It depends on your ability to master your thoughts.


Do not let your thoughts become weak.  Do not allow yourself to be weak.  Help people who are poor and lonely. Mask and social distancing are very important to defeat covet. Wash your hands time by time.

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